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Home: Welcome



Updated: Sep 10, 2023

In the distance stood the Table mountain, the lack of peak blunted against the blue and white sky, the sun reflecting off of the snowy sides. I was walking on the frozen sand, waves lapping ever so gently on the shore. He looked over at me with a knowing nod and connected our humanity.

"Good morning," as if from god himself.

A simple, usually benign greeting. I felt whole. I felt worthy of being.

An aknolwedgement of my existence from a complete stranger brought me a peace I had so desperately been looking for. In an instant I was at one with the universe. Enveloped in the present moment.

I continued along the rapidly changing landscape feeling the presence of the universe around me. I breathed in the chilly air. Soaked up the rays of the late winter sun.

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